olivine flotation test

Simulating the Impact of Ore and Water Quality on …

The model is based on kinetic laboratory flotation test data, and it was tested on a case study. As a result, rougher flotation grade-recovery curves dependent …

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Influence of aluminum–sodium silicate on olivine flotation …

DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2019.106008 Corpus ID: 203128200; Influence of aluminum–sodium silicate on olivine flotation with sodium oleate @article{Fang2019InfluenceOA, title={Influence of aluminum–sodium silicate on olivine flotation with sodium oleate}, author={Shuai Fang and Longhua Xu and Houqin Wu and Kaiqian Shu and Zhoujie …

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Static compression and olivine flotation in ultrabasic silicate …

Olivine flotation provides an important constraint upon Earth evolution models that include extensive melting during early differentiation. It also provides a mechanism for concentrating high Mg/Si olivine in the upper mantle without unduly perturbing other geochemical parameters. A full evaluation of the physical and …

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Effects of ultrasonic pre-treatment on the flotation of ilmenite and

The zeta potential testing results showed that surface potential of the ilmenite treated with Na 2 S 2 O 8 and NaOL was negatively migrated in the ... Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine and pyroxene. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 167, 2017, pp. 49-60. …

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Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the selective

Fig. 2 presents the flotation recovery of ilmenite and olivine-pyroxene before and after acid surface dissolution as a function of pH values. In the case of ilmenite, two recovery peaks appear in the flotation recovery curve before and after acid surface dissolution. The appearance of these two peaks is in good agreement with the previous …

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Olivine flotation in mantle melt | Semantic Scholar

It is shown that basic to ultrabasic melts become denser than olivine-and pyroxene-rich host mantle at pressures of 60 to 100 kilobars, and enriched mantle reservoirs may have developed by downward segregation of melt early in Earth history.

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Selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine using the …

The selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine can be better achieved using an AWG as depressant rather than WG in the artificially mixed minerals flotation …

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olivine flotation test

The flotation of the unreacted olivine was tested as a first flotation step, which was simulated by flotation of raw input material, the pure Norwegian olivine . 20 µm with dodecylamine as collector, MIBC as frother and at neutral …

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How to Analyse Flotation Test Results

FIG 1 - A bottom driven laboratory flotation cell supplied by Runge Engineering. A typical test involves washing an ore pulp sample into the laboratory cell. Make-up water is …

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Flotation of Olivine and Diamond in Mantle Melt at High …

Flotation of Olivine and Diamond in Mantle Melt at High Pressure: Implications for Fractionation in the Deep Mantle and Ultradeep Origin of Diamond. Eiji Ohtani, Eiji Ohtani. Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

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Influence of particle size on flotation separation of ilmenite, …

The research results of this paper deepen the understanding of the olivine type ilmenite resources in Panxi area, enrich the theoretical system of flotation separation of …

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Selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine using the …

The selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine can be better achieved using an AWG as depressant rather than WG in the artificially mixed minerals flotation experiments. Batch flotation test results indicate that, compared with the depressant WG, the depressant AWG not only increases the recovery and grade of the Ti concentrates by …

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New insights into the oleate flotation response of

And contact angle test and reagent adsorption test were used to support the simulation results. ... and the flotation and adsorption on the olivine surface were investigated with single-mineral ...

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Olivine flotation and settling experiments on the join …

10 Citations. Explore all metrics. Abstract. Some unusual density relations between olivine and coexisting liquid in the system fosterite-fayalite are reported. At 1 atmosphere …

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Flotation behavior and mechanism of ilmenite using

The micro-flotation results indicate that the AWG at a molar ratio 1:3 of oxalic acid to water glass (WG) exhibits the maximum selective depression on olivine. The selective flotation of ilmenite ...

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Influence of aluminum–sodium silicate on olivine …

As can be seen, without the addition of Al 3+ ions and Na 2 SiO 3, the flotation recovery of olivine is very high. When the pH values are above 5, the recovery …

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Influence of particle size on flotation separation of ilmenite, olivine …

The experiments results indicate that the presence of fine-grained (-19 um) mineral particles is deleterious to the flotation of ilmenite, the ilmenite recovery decreases as the microfine grade content of pyroxene and olivine increases, distribution of narrow size minerals is beneficial to the minerals flotation performance, and the order of ...

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Olivine flotation and crystallization of a global magma ocean

Inter., 74: 23—28. According to the so-called olivine flotation hypothesis, basic silicate liquids become denser than coexisting ultramafic crystalline peridotites at high pressures through their higher compressibility. Therefore, the olivine, crystallizing from a global magma ocean, settles to a neutrally buoyant zone at about 250 km depth ...

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Separation of Products from …

The flotation of the unreacted olivine was tested as a first flotation step, which was simulated by flotation of raw input material, the pure Norwegian olivine <20 µm with dodecylamine as collector, MIBC as frother and at neutral pH. This flotation test resulted in a recovery of up to 94.5%. To determine the effect of dodecylamine on the ...

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Olivine-rich achondrites from Vesta and the missing …

All three meteorites have olivine grains and fragments that are forsteritic and contain low CaO (average of 0.06 ± 0.04 wt%) and Cr 2 O 3 (average of 0.07 ± 0.05 wt%) relative to olivine in ...

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Recover Chromite by Flotation

The test procedure and results of a typical test are described below. Flotation procedure on the Billie sample was the same as for the George Len sample, except that a larger amount of slimes present made more reagent necessary, and no sulfuric acid was added during the rougher flotation step. ... The olivine ranged in color …

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Influence of particle size on flotation separation of …

The experiments results indicate that the presence of fine-grained (-19 um) mineral particles is deleterious to the flotation of ilmenite, the ilmenite recovery decreases as the …

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Transformation of abundant magnesium silicate minerals for …

From this process, a total of 35 g of Mg(OH) 2 was produced from 100 g of olivine, with 1 g of Mg(OH) 2 added in the silica precipitation stage. Approximately 5 g of iron oxide was precipitated ...

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Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the …

DOI: 10.1016/J.MINPRO.2017.07.017 Corpus ID: 103176271; Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine and pyroxene @article{Parapari2017EffectOA, title={Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the selective flotation of ilmenite from olivine and pyroxene}, author={Parisa Semsari …

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Static compression and olivine flotation in ultrabasic silicate …

Abstract. Piston-cylinder techniques have been used to observe static compressions of ultrabasic silicate liquids to 6 GPa and 2000°C. Compressions are measured by …

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Particle Size Distribution Effects that Should be …

Geometallurgical testing that is performed to predict flotation performance achievable by an ore type in an existing flotation circuit or proposed flotation circuit design often …

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Mineralogical characterisation of naturally floatable gangue …

The amount of NFG recovered in a batch flotation test (Fig. 1) with depressant addition is relatively negligible (< ... Both olivine and orthopyroxene fall into this category of minerals, although given the greater abundance of orthopyroxene in the feed and concentrates relative to olivine, the focus here is on orthopyroxene. ...

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Olivine flotation and crystallization of a global magma ocean

According to the so-called olivine flotation hypothesis, basic silicate liquids become denser than coexisting ultramafic crystalline peridotites at high pressures through their higher compressibility. Therefore, the olivine, crystallizing from a global magma ocean, settles to a neutrally buoyant zone at about 250 km depth dividing the molten ...

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Role of magnesium-bearing silicates in the flotation of …

Fig. 2 a shows the effect of different silicate minerals (serpentine, pyroxene, olivine and quartz) on pyrite flotation as a function of PAX dosage at pH 9. The concentration of pyroxene, olivine and quartz was added at 2.5 g/L. The flotation of pure pyrite under different pHs is also shown in Fig. 2 a for comparison.

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How to Analyse Flotation Test Results

FIG 1 - A bottom driven laboratory flotation cell supplied by Runge Engineering. A typical test involves washing an ore pulp sample into the laboratory cell. Make-up water is added to achieve the desired volume. The impeller is started and set to the desired speed.

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