cut and fill stoping


Where ground conditions permit, it is possible to use a combination of cut-and-fill mining and sublevel stoping called rill mining. In this method drifts are driven in the ore separated by a slice of ore two or three normal …

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Mengenal Tahapan Cut And Fill Dalam Persiapan …

Oleh: Arszandi Pratama, S.T, M.Sc, Tike Aprillia S.T dan Dandy Muhamad Fadilah, S.T. Dalam persiapan lahan untuk gedung atau konstruksi lainnya seperti jalan, bendungan, dan lainnya proses Cut and …

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Cut and Fill is a mining method that is in use with a view to taking ore by means of a flat back or flat and after being discharged ore closed again by filling the bermaterial mix tailings with cement silo or west and proceed back to exploration, Shrinkage Full stoping is a methods used underground mines with the process system is where ore ...

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Beginners Guide to Stope Mining | An Underground Miner

Cut and fill stoping, square set stoping, stull stoping. Caving methods: Longwall mining, block caving, sublevel stoping. Various factors, including the position of the ore and the structure of the rock, determine what mining method can be implemented. Multiple methods can be used in conjunction.

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7. Stoping Information for Shrinkage Mines ..... 31 8. Direct Stoping Cost Model for Shrinkage ..... 32 9. Details of Mines used in developing Cost Model for Cut and Fill ..... 36 10. Stoping Information for Cut and Fill Mines ..... 37 11. Direct Stoping Cost Model for Cut and Fill ..... 38 12. Details of Mines used in developing Cost Model

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Overview of Underground Metalliferous Mining

In Indian condition, room and pillar stoping, cut and fill stoping, sublevel stoping and their variants are used for exploitation of Copper, Lead–Zinc, Mica, …

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(PDF) Underground mining Methods

3) Cut and Fill (C & F) Stoping It is one of the more popular me thods used for vein dep osits and has recently grown in u se. It is an expensive but selective mining method, with low or e loss ...

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Cut-and-fill stoping by vertical blocks in Internatsionalny mine

The fe ature of CFVB as against the conventiona l cut-and-fill stoping is considerable reduction of horizontal dimensions of stoping blocks (10 × 10, 12 × 12, 15 × 15 m) and, con sequently ...

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Methods of Underground Mining — Bit Service

Shrinkage stoping is similar to the cut and fill method, except instead of filling each level to act as a support, the blasted, broken ore is left in the resulting space to act as a support for the next level. After all the levels are blasted, the ore is then removed. This underground mining method is a good option for steep ore bodies.

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Drilling Deeper: The Advantages of Long Hole Open Stoping …

Long hole open stoping is the best mining method for steeply dipping ore bodies. Long-hole open stoping is particularly well-suited for mining steeply dipping ore bodies, where other traditional methods such as room-and-pillar or cut-and-fill are technically and economically challenging. Things to keep in mind

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Cut and Fill Stoping

Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation Cut & Fill stoping. 3. Page 4. Application of Cut-and-Fill (C & F) stoping. The C & F method is required when: Ore Zones are irregular in shape and orientation. Ore Is high grade and dilution control is critical. The Need contacts between ore and waste are structurally critical.

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8.4.1b Square Set Stoping | GEOG 000

8.4.1b Square Set Stoping. This mining method was used to mine in the weakest of rock masses. It is extremely expensive, and you'll see why in a moment, but was used to recover silver and gold deposits through the 1970s in the U.S. The concept of the method is simple: we will mine only a small volume and immediately build and place timbers ...

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Novel Underhand Cut-and-Fill Stoping Method and …

Underhand cut-and-fill stoping is an efficient, sustainable mining method that is particularly applicable to complicated mining conditions in which both the peripheral rocks and the orebody are extremely unstable. Considering the mining conditions of the shallow, steeply dipping, narrow orebody in the Canzhuang gold mine in Shandong …

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Cost Calculations for Highly Mechanized Cut-and-Fill Stoping

CUT-AND-FILL STOPING would not only yield no profit but would never return the equity in investment. Because there can be no negative value for a rate of return, the program was rerun for the two methods using a commodity value of $50.00 per ton. For conventional cut-and-fill stoping, the equity rate of return is 6.31%, the total investment ...

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Choice of Method

CUT-AND-FILL METHOD . Without an operational mill directly onsite, trucks bring the ore towards the processing plant and return to the mine with backfilling made of sand and fill. ... CUT-AND-FILL STOPING METHOD: Dip: 45 to 90 degrees. Power: 2.7 m to 6 m (9 ft to 20 ft). Ground conditions: average to bad. Good selectivity. Dilution control ...

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Sublevel Stoping Mining Method | SpringerLink

Since the 1970s, the sublevel stoping mining method (Fig. 1) has been an open stope mining method with relatively advanced technology, high mechanization and efficiency, reasonable safety, and low loss for the application of trackless excavating equipment in the underground.Its main features include: (1) The stage height is 40–60 m …

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Novel Underhand Cut-and-Fill Stoping Method and …

Underhand cut-and-fill stoping is an efficient, sustainable mining method that is particularly applicable to complicated mining conditions in which both the …

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Types of Underground Mining Method Comparison

Rill-Cut Stoping Mining. Rill cut, or rill stoping, as shown at B, Fig. 2, has the principal advantage that when filling is used it can be run down through a raise at the apex of the stope and will fill the stope without shoveling. Its disadvantages, on the other hand, are as follows:

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Upward Cut and Fill Stoping Method | SpringerLink

The upward cut and fill stoping method is for working face cycle operation. After one cycle of rock drilling, blasting, ventilation, scaling and support, ore removal, and filling is finished, the cycle operation of the next slice can be carried out. Personnel and equipment work under an exposed roof, so roof safety is required to be controlled ...

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Conventional versus mechanized cut and fill mining

Stoping includes drilling and blasting with jumbos, ore collection and haulage from the stopes by scoop tram and sand filling. A secondary access/vent raise extends to the surface. Production is assumed to be 2,000 t/d. C onsiderations for the selection of cut-and-fill method.

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4.3.2: Underground Mining Methods | GEOG 000

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  • John A. Dutton e-Education Institutehttps://…

    8.4.1a Cut and Fill Stoping | GEOG 000

    WEBEngineers generally consider three types of fill. Hydraulic fill: tailings (55 - 70% solids) and 3-4% cement, with a 10% cement mix to top off the fill (smooth hard surface). Pumped underground as a slurry. Paste fill: …

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    Underground Stoping Practice & Methods

    Cut-and-fill or shrinkage stopes may be silled out full width on the level and the shrink or fill, as the case may be, carried on timbers, or silled a short distance above the level, thereby leaving a back or "arch" …

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    8.4.1 The Supported Class of Mining Methods | GEOG 000

    Cut-and-fill and stull stoping is applicable to moderately competent rock, and square-setting is for the least competent rock. Mechanization requirements and labor costs have all but eliminated stull stoping and square-set stoping. Nonetheless, I'll briefly explain them because it may give you some ideas if you ever want to recover a very ...

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    Metodo de explotacion: Cut and fill (corte y relleno)

    DRENAJE Para drenar el agua en el nivel a transportar se realizara la construcción de una cuneta la cual pondrá en cauce el agua hasta un reservorio donde se le transporta mediante bombas eléctricas y neumáticas. Donde hay 2 bombas eléctricas tipo centrifuga las cuales bombean

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    (PDF) Novel Underhand Cut-and-Fill Stoping …

    Abstract. Underhand cut-and-fill stoping is an efficient, sustainable mining method that is particularly applicable to complicated mining conditions in which both the peripheral rocks and the ...

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    Stoping | Underground Excavation, Rock Blasting & Ore …

    Stoping, in mining engineering, the opening of large underground rooms, or stopes, by the excavation of ore. ... The principal supported-stoping method, practiced on steeply dipping ore bodies, is cut-and-fill mining, in which the opened stope is back-filled with waste materials as each layer of ore is removed.

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    Cut-and-Fill Mining Method, An Introduction on

    Cut-and-fill is a mining method that backfilling the goaf with filling material is adopted to the ground pressure management with the advancement of mining operation. …

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    Case Study

    The Lanfranchi Nickel mine is located approximately 48 km south of Kambalda in Western Australia. Mining first commenced in the mid-1970s under the previous owner, Western Mining Corporation Ltd. After two years on care and maintenance, Panoramic Resources (previously known as Sally Malay Mining Ltd) purchased the operation in November …

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    Cut and Fill : Definisi, Tujuan dan Tahapan …

    Definisi Cut and Fill Adalah. Cut and fill adalah suatu proses pengerjaan tanah dimana sejumlah material tanah diambil dari suatu tempat kemudian diurug atau ditimbun di tempat lain. Tujuan proses cut and fill adalah …

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    Topic 6: Underground Mining Methods Cut-and-Fill stoping

    Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation Cut & Fill stoping 26 Types of fillers 1) Hydraulic fill (also called slurry or sand fill) 2) Paste fill 3) Rock Fill Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation Cut & Fill stoping 27 Advantages of the method It is a versatile method and can be adapted to the ore bodies from any geometrical shape Investments are ...

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    Overhand cut-and-fill mining | mining method | Britannica

    In overhand cut-and-fill mining, the most common variation, mining starts at the lower level and works upward. In underhand cut-and-fill mining, work progresses from the top downward. In this latter case cement must be added to the fill to form a strong roof under which to…. Other articles where overhand cut-and-fill mining is discussed ...

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    Backfilling Mining Stopes

    The cost of filling in the stopes (horizontal cut-and-fill, fig. 93) during the same year averaged $0.1221 per ton of ore broken. At the McIntyre mine, Schumacher, Ontario, in 1930, it cost 50 cents per ton to break waste in stope crosscuts and 50 cents per ton to handle it in cars and spread it by hand. In a large waste stope, waste was broken ...

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    Underground Mining Methods

    Cut and Fill Stoping In cut and fill stoping, the orebody is retrieved in horizontal slices beginning at the very bottom and advancing upwards towards the surface. Ramps (inclined tunnels) are excavated to connect the surface to the underground ore body. Drifts are excavated to come in contact with the ore slices. The slices are

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    4.3.2: Underground Mining Methods | GEOG 000

    The ore is removed from the stope as soon as it is mined. Sublevel stoping and big-hole stoping are the important variants in use today. A few examples of commodities mined by this method include iron and lead/zinc. Supported Methods. Supported methods historically included cut and fill stoping, stull stoping, and square set stoping. However ...

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    Topic 9: Mining Methods Part V- Underground Mining

    stoping, cut and fill,[4] or longwall mining can take place. In steeply-dipping ore bodies, such as lodes of tin, the stopes become long narrow near-vertical spaces, which, if one reaches the ...

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    Upward Cut and Fill Stoping Method | SpringerLink

    The overhand horizontal cut and fill stoping is commonly used and can be divided into three basic schemes, i.e., upward cut and fill stoping method along the …

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    Overview of Underground Metalliferous Mining | SpringerLink

    This variation of cut and fill stoping is called post-pillar stoping. Design of pillar dimension is also done on the basis of stress analysis. Diagrammatic layout of cut and fill stoping method is shown in Fig. 2.10. This method of stoping is used for excavation of steeply inclined ore deposits of Copper, Uranium, Manganese, Mica, etc. in India.

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    Cut-and-Fill stoping

    Cut-and-Fill stoping Hassan Z. Harraz hharraz2006@yahoo 2014- 2015. Outline of Topic 6: Introduction Application of Cut-and-Fill (C & F) stoping The activity cycle of the (C & F) method

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    Cut and fill mining method explained | PDF | Economic …

    Cut & Fill Stoping - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Cut and fill mining involves excavating ore in horizontal slices from the bottom of a stope upwards, removing the ore, and filling the empty space with waste material. This process is repeated slice by slice up the stope.

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    Cut and Fill mining | PPT

    Cut and Fill mining - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... (1994), A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, p.192 Harraz Hassan Z. (2014), Cut and Fill Stoping, Tanta …

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