underground coal mine conditions

Hybrid method for analyzing air thermal conditions in underground mines …

A hybrid method is proposed to analyze air thermal conditions in underground mines. Thermal conditions in underground mines are simulated numerically. Two neuro-fuzzy models were developed to predict the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. An accurate predictor was obtained with coefficients of determination of 0.98 and 0.97.

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Geological and geotechnical aspects of underground coal mining …

The decision on whether to operate an above- or underground mine is heavily influenced by a couple of important factors. The major factor in deciding on whether to go underground or open cut is the stripping ratio (Whittles et al. 2007).This is defined as the ratio of the volume of overburden (BCM) moved to the amount of coal produced …

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Optimizing fire emergency evacuation routes in underground coal mines …

In their study of underground coal mine disaster in the USA for 1900–2010, Brnich et al. (2010) identified six major disasters, out of which one was a fire and claimed the lives of two miners. Although, the most frequent accidents in USA underground coal mines for the same period are explosions, the explosions can often ignite fires.

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Enhancing ventilation fan performance in underground coal mines…

In the context of underground coal mines, the drawbacks of IEO and EO include potential inefficiencies in quickly adapting to dynamic load variations and the intricate network of tunnels and shafts. Their performance may be hindered by the unique challenges of underground mining, such as the need for rapid response to changing …

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Navigation and positioning technology in underground coal mines …

Accurate localization in underground coal mining is a challenging technology in coal mine safety production. This paper proposes a low-cost battery-free localization scheme based on depth images ...

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Number of Surface versus Underground Coal Mines 1978 Total 1,412 1,105 Mine Type No. of Mines % of Total Production (millions tons) % of Total Surface 3,176 54% 398 63% ... • current market conditions - demand • national and international economic conditions • logistics - getting from the manufacturer to the buyer

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Geological features that contribute to ground control …

Hazardous geologic conditions were surveyed in selected underground coal mines in Utah and Colorado, and both depositional and structural features were identified as potential ground hazards. Although the conditions found do not differ in kind from hazardous geologic conditions in the eastern United States, they do differ in …

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Identification of safety hazards in Indian underground coal mines

The authors also visited an underground coal mine for ten days in the Orient area, Odisha, India, for data collection and observations. The details of the underground coal mine visited are that the thickness of the seam is 18–24 m and the seam is divided into sections 1 Introduction, 2 Literature survey, 3 Method, 4 Results and discussion ...

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A review of water rock interaction in underground coal mining…

Underground coal mining has a strong disturbance on surrounding rock strata, causing inevitable water inflow into mined spaces, which seriously affects safety production. Mine water disaster is regarded as one of the most critical problems in coal mining and, thus, has been a research hotspot in coal mining. This review focuses on …

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Physical symptoms and mental health status in deep …

Deep underground (DUG) mining is increasingly being performed as the resources of the shallower earth are gradually exhausted. [ 1, 2] So far, miners have …

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A new federal rule aims to protect miners from black …

A coal miner deep underground in a coal mine in Buchanan County, West ia. ... "It was a dusty job in dusty conditions," he said. Read Next. Across the Midwest, communities grapple with ...

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Develops New Battery Technology for Underground Coal

This system is intended for underground coal use and the batteries are stored in explosion-proof (XP) enclosures. "The advantage of the NMC battery is volumetric energy density," Davis said. "In that same 240-volt envelope, we were able to achieve 220 kWh for eight hours or more. ... Mining conditions underground are very difficult ...

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Safety monitoring method of moving target in underground coal mine

Due to the special underground environment of the coal mine, the video information is different from the general ground scene. These problems are due to the darkness of the coal mine, resulting in ...

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Data on methane concentration collected by underground coal mine

Coal mining requires working in hazardous conditions. Miners in an underground coal mine can face several threats, such as, e.g. methane explosions. To provide protection for people working underground, systems for active monitoring of production processes are typically used.

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Underground Coal Mining Methods and Their …

In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and overlying and underlying strata. Depillaring is one of the most …

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Investigation of Climatic Conditions in Underground …

Abstract. Mine workers in heavy and dangerous work are under several physical risk factors, for example temperature, humidity, noise, vibration, lighting and …

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Insights into the Relationships Among the Roof, Rib, Floor, …

Ground control failures continue to be one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in underground coal mining. The roof, rib, floor, and pillars are four areas of potential ground failures that miners, engineers, and consultants are continually evaluating. Quite often, these four underground structures are evaluated independently. A recent …

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Study on Deformation and Fracture Evolution of …

Coal mine underground reservoir water storage technology is an effective technical way to achieve high efficiency of coal mining and protection of water resources. The stability of coal pillar dam …

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Effect of pretension on the performance of cable bolts and …

This paper analyses the effect of pretension on the performance of cable bolts in underground coal mines via field scale numerical models, with considering different geological conditions (in-situ stress, bedding plane stiffness and rock mass properties). Numerical models were developed based on a case study mine in Australia with …

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Underground Coal Mines

Subpart FF-Underground Coal Mines. §98.320 Definition of the source category. (a) This source category consists of active underground coal mines, and any underground mines under development that have operational pre-mining degasification systems. An underground coal mine is a mine at which coal is produced by tunneling into the earth …

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Analysis and measurement of multifactor risk in underground coal mine

Therefore, exploring the multifactor risk mechanism of coal mine accidents is particularly critical for controlling coal mine accidents. An underground coal production system is a complex social technology system with dynamic and nonlinear characteristics, which are influenced by complicated geological conditions, underdeveloped technology ...

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Appendix F: Underground Coal Mining Methods …

Underground Coal Mining Methods and Engineering Dust Controls. An underground mine consists of the portals (entrance and exits to the mines), mains, submains, panels, and working faces. The panels are …

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Genesis, controls and risk prediction of H2S in coal mine …

The Chinese "Coal Mine Safety Regulations" states that the H 2 S concentration of coal mine gas is considered abnormal if it concentration is greater than 6.6 ppm 1, 2, 3. Such concentrations ...

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Risk identification for coal and gas outburst in …

Risk identification for coal and gas outburst in underground coal mines: A critical review and future directions - ScienceDirect. Gas Science and Engineering. …

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Development of a Dynamic Prediction Model for Underground Coal-Mining …

Coal is a major source of energy in the production of electrical power, currently providing more than 36% of global electricity, especially in developing countries like China and India [].Due to the limitations of geological conditions, a larger amount of coal comes from underground mining instead of surface mining at present [].Ground …

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Mental health in mine workers: a literature review

To evaluate the risk of occupational injuries to underground coal mine workers, controlling for their social, technical and personal characteristics: India: Coal: Socio-demographic Personality ... The mining is featured by a largest presence of male workers and they are exposed to higher workload and inclement conditions (e.g. …

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UNDERGROUND COAL MINING FACT SHEET Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Mineral Resources Management (DMRM) minerals.ohiodnr.gov Columbus 614.265.6633 Barnesville 740.425.3973 Cadiz 740.942.9150 New Philadelphia 330.339.2207 Salem 234.206.4240 Zaleski 740.274.4943 Coal is produced from …

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Coal mining | Definition, History, Types, & Facts

M. Albert Evans Raja Venkat Ramani. Coal mining, extraction of coal deposits from the surface of Earth from underground. Coal has been used since the Bronze Age, 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, …

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Application of wireless sensor network for

The underground coal mine environment invariably contains more impurities in comparison to the normal atmospheric air. However, it contains sufficient amount of oxygen for the survival of mine personnel and supporting combustion. The impurities found in underground coal mine environment (Misra, 1986) can be classified …

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Explained: Why Underground Coal Mining In India Needs A …

Underground coal mining under Modi. In a nutshell, coal (and the entire energy vertical) was in a precarious condition when Modi came to power. Over the last decade, the government steadied the ship and gave it a new direction (by ending the nationalization). ... Lower stress on underground, local geological conditions (like …

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In-situ stress measurements and stress distribution

In response to the specific underground conditions to coal mines in China, a portable small borehole hydraulic fracturing test rig was developed for in-situ stress measurements in underground roadways. A data quality assurance system was also developed to ensure the quality and reliability of test data.

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Shearer | Underground Longwall Machinery

Shearer refers to a type of mining equipment used for cutting or shearing coal, ore, or rock in underground mining operations. It is primarily employed in longwall mining, where a long wall of coal or mineral is extracted in a continuous process. A shearer consists of several key parts that work together to carry out the cutting and extraction ...

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Design and Development of an IoT-Based Gas Monitoring …

The early detection of these gases is a major challenge in underground coal mines. In this paper, an attempt was made to design and develop an Internet of Things (IOT)-based gas monitoring system for monitoring of underground coal mines environment, which was validated using conventional digital multi-gas detector.

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