present electrical technology for coal mines

Intelligent and ecological coal mining as well as clean …

At present, most large-scale coal mines have built the digital mine models, which digitizes the early information acquired from the drilling, seismic prospecting, radar scanning and so on, forming the initial coal mine geological data model. ... Innovation and development of completed set equipment and technology for high efficient coal mining ...

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Review of preventive and constructive measures for coal mine …

The explosion had happened where there was a coal mine irrespective of their geographical location, percent of firedamp gas, and degree of mechanization. It is observed from the Table 1 that the year 2010 was a feared year in coal mining history with nine disasters in eight countries leading to total death of 299 persons. Likewise, the …

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A new technology of pumped-storage power in …

A new technology of pumped-storage power in underground coal mine: …

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Coal Lectures Series covers mining technologies | PDF

This document provides an introduction and overview of Dr. Andrew Cox's Coal Lectures Series. The series covers topics related to coal formation, properties, use as a fuel, mining technologies, markets, pollution control, and more. Dr. Cox and his colleagues at EIMR are available to provide lectures and teaching on these topics to …

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Mining Employees Safety and the Application of Information Technology …

Introduction. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous industries in the world. Human factors such as intentional violation, mismanagement, and defective design cause coal mining accidents ().The functional climate of the coal mining presents many hazards to personnel, including the proximity to machinery, hydraulic and electrical …

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Challenges and opportunities of energy storage technology …

Coal Underground space Electrochemical Energy Storage (CUEES) makes full use of the underground space of coal mining to store or release electrical energy (various types of batteries) through reversible chemical reactions, so as to achieve efficient use of electrical energy, as shown in Fig. 20 [94]. At present, electrochemical energy …

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Design of Coal Mine Electrical Control System under …

At present, the modernization of the coal mining industry is developing rapidly, and the scale of the coal mining industry has been expanded on a large scale by Design of Coal Mine Electrical Control System under Soft Start Technology | IEEE Conference …

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Application of Microtremor Survey Technology in a Coal Mine …

Goafs are one of the main factors that endanger the safety of mining areas, leading to roadway collapse, land subsidence and other problems. Determining how to detect goafs accurately and efficiently is an important issue faced in engineering geophysical exploration research. Microtremor survey technology, used in geophysical …

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Recent advances in laser gas sensors for applications to …

Due to the extremely complex working conditions, various health and safety hazards are present in underground coal mines, which cause economic losses and heavy casualties.

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Energies | Special Issue : Intelligent Coal Mining …

Special Issue Information. Dear Colleagues, Coal remains one of the most important energy resources in the world. With the continuous development of science and technology, coal will inevitably …

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Chemistry and particle size distribution of respirable coal …

The USCB hosts a wide range of coal types, from low-rank (sub-bituminous), high- to low-volatile rank (bituminous) to high-rank (anthracite) (Kotarba 2001; Kusiak et al. 2006; Kędzior 2009).Only the bituminous and sub-bituminous coals are mined and used in power stations (EPA 1995; Kedzior 2015).On average, USCB coals contain …

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Utilization of resources in abandoned coal mines for carbon …

Even after the abandoned coal mines are closed, a large quantity of underground resources remains undeveloped and unutilized. According to the survey, coal mines that have been closed so far contain coal resources of up to 42 billion tons, while the natural gas resources are estimated to be nearly 500 billion m 3.Moreover, there also …

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The present trend of electrical safety in coal mines

The present trend of electrical safety in coal mines. Abstract: Back of every safety program there stands the industry itself with its precedents, prejudices and traditions. Coal mining, being an old established industry, naturally had many fixed traditions long before electricity and electrical equipment, comparatively new forces, made their ...

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Mahto.T (2009)Energy management in underground mines -A case study,Coal Mining Technology &Management.Jan-march2009,pp.23-32. Production-Oriented Preventive Maintenance," Session paper Jan 1988

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Development overview of paste backfill technology in China's coal mines

For a long time, coal has been the main energy source in China, which has occupied the main position in China's primary energy output and consumption, and has had an important impact on China's economic development and social stability (Fang et al. 2018; Song et al. 2016).China's energy occurrence is characterized by poor oil, less gas, and …

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Application of FACTS Devices in Power Supply Systems …

FACTS devices are widely used in system-forming electric networks of 110-750 kV to …

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Mitigating Rock Burst Hazard in Deep Coal Mines by …

The Xinhe Coal Mine Panel 7312 is in the #3 coal seam. The average thickness of the coal seam is 9.5 m. The overburden depth of the coal seam has a range of 983.9–1084 m, with an average cover depth of 1000 m. The average dip angle of the coal seam is 3°. A fully mechanized full seam top coal caving mining method has been …

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Risk Assessment of Coal Dust Explosions in Coal Mines …

Despite being crucial for meeting the world's energy demands, coal mining operations present considerable health risks, especially when it comes to exposure to coal dust. Longwall coal mining, an advanced technique, has considerably enhanced production but made dust control more difficult. Due to its explosive nature, coal dust …

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Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and …

Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios: …

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Prediction Technology of Buried Water-Bearing Structures in Coal Mines …

At present, both the surface and subsurface geophysical technologies cannot fully meet the technical requirements of high precision detection for coal mines safety development and production.

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The mission of the NIOSH research program for the mining sector is to eliminate occupational diseases, injuries, and fatalities among workers in the mining industry. Therefore, explosion protection research at NIOSH is focused on continually improving the safety of miners. Certain explosion-protected equipment used in other …

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Coal mining

The various methods of mining a coal seam can be classified under two headings, surface mining and underground mining. Surface and underground coal mining are broad activities that incorporate numerous variations in equipment and methods, and the choice of which method to use in extracting a coal seam depends on many technological, …

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Challenges and opportunities of energy storage technology …

Coal Underground space Electrochemical Energy Storage (CUEES) makes full use of the underground space of coal mining to store or release electrical energy (various types of batteries) through reversible chemical reactions, so as to achieve efficient use of electrical energy, as shown in Fig. 20 [94].

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Research on causes of coal mine gas explosion accidents …

At present, association rule mining technology is widely used in the transportation, construction, coal mining, electric power, medicine, and other industries. Chen et al. (2021a, 2021b) used the Apriori algorithm to mine association rules between the location and type of accident potential in hydropower project construction.

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Coal mine safety system using Li-Fi technology

At present, gold mining workers are affected a lot in accidents at gold mines which is due to the complexity of my environment. ... Ideas and Innovations in Technology Traditionally, coal mine safety monitoring and automation 5. ... Ideas and Innovations in Technology electrical chimneys and safety systems at industries observation Digital I/O ...

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Challenges and opportunities of energy storage …

Various energy storage technologies and risks in coal mine are analyzed. •. …

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Technology Roadmap for Coal Sector

Technology Roadmap to Coal Sector Page 10 3. Opencast Coal Mining Technologies Present Technologies 3.1 Cyclic Mining 3.1.1 Shovel Dumper: It is the most sought-after technology in opencast mining due to its inherent flexibility of operationIt also offers flexibility for easy transition to any other technology or equipment configuration.

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Detection of Abandoned Coal Mine Goaf in China's Ordos

At present, more than 500 coal mines are mining about one billion metric tons of coal in Ordos Basin every year, which is China's main energy base. ... Electrical and gravity mapping of a sink hole in state college, PA. Proc, Symp on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 492-497 ... China Coal …

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Miner technology has a huge potential of enhancing coal production from existing mines as well as new mines. India is the third largest coal producing country in the world and about 88% coal production comes from open cast mining. The conventional system of mining coal by open cast method involves drilling, blasting, excavating and crushing.

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Technology Roadmap for Coal Sector

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  • Naturehttps://

    Geological exploration of coal mine burnt rock and …

    WEBPublished: 01 March 2024. Geological exploration of coal mine burnt rock and …

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    Research and practice of intelligent coal mine …

    The top-level architecture of 5G+ intelligent coal mine systems combines …

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    Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity. It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning). Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel ...

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    Siemens to Supply Electrical Equipment for Three

    Xinji Energy is a leading coal producer with mines in the east Chinese province of Anhui. At the present time, the company is building two new shaft installations in Banji and Kouzidong. The Banji mine, which will be supplied with a new winding machine, will have a winding capacity of three million metric tons per year at the end of 2007.

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