coal mining indonesia legislation from government

King Coal: How Indonesia became the fossil fuel's …

Since 2000, Indonesia has transformed from a bit player in the global coal industry to a leading exporter and consumer of the fuel. While much of the world is shifting away from coal due to its ...

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Coal mining governance in Indonesia: Legal uncertainty …

Coal production and coal export are important elements of the Indonesian economy, but mining operations are frequently plagued by conflicts among companies or between …

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Local communities and transparency in Indonesian mining legislation

5 Kosim Gandataruna and Kirsty Haymon, 'A Dream Denied? Mining Legislation and the Constitution in Indonesia' (2011) 47 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 221 ... OCallaghan (n 32); Fadhila Achmadi Rosyid and Tsuyoshi Adachi, 'Coal Mining in Indonesia: Forecasting by the Growth Curve ... the government established …

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Federal Register of Legislation

Australian Government. Federal Register of Legislation. Site navigation. Constitution ; Acts ; ... Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Administration Act 1992. 01 Jan 2012 - 25 Jun 1992. ... Legislation text. View document. Select value. Act. Filter active. Table of contents .

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Patterns of infringement, risk, and impact driven by coal mining

In July 2020, Indonesia revised its mining legislation with the 2020 Mining Law. This law shifted authority over mining from provincial governments to the central government. ... There is an urgent need for government to curtail the issuance of coal mining licenses and to clarify and enforce regulations around all aspects of mining, from …

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Indonesia: Export Ban on Unprocessed Minerals Comes into Effect

The export ban was issued based on the 2009 Law on Mineral and Coal Mining. This law describes minerals and coals as national non-renewable resources, and article 2 of the Law specifies that mining should be managed to benefit national interests and maintain sustainability, among other requirements. ... 2017, Indonesia's …

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The shifting landscape of global mining legislation in 2020

Here are some of the key legislative changes mining jurisdictions around the world have faced over the past 12 months. Canada. Alberta's United Conservative Party overturned a decades-old environmental protections policy in 2020, reversing the 1976 ban on open-pit coal mines in the province's Rocky Mountains and foothills.

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Coal Mining Governance in Indonesia: Legal …

governments can manage coal mining, each of which may develop legislation on the sector . In 2014, however, the central government also enacted Law No 23 of 2014 on Regional Government (the 2014

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Coal Mining in Indonesia

South Sumatra. 2. South Kalimantan. 3. East Kalimantan. The Indonesian coal industry is rather fragmented with only a few big producers and many small players that own coal mines and coal mine concessions (mainly in …

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Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017

Contents Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 Page 3 Part 4 Electrical activities, equipment and installations Division 1 Electrical activities

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The Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities

Legal Insights The Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara On 9 September 2021, the President of the Republic of Indonesia stipulated Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 96 Year 2021 regarding the …

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(PDF) Mineral and Coal Mining Business and …

In this study, it was concluded that the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia mandates that the management and exploitation of mineral and coal mining by the Government must have a ...

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Government Regulation No. 22/2010 on Mining Areas.

This Government Regulation enters into force on 1 February 2010. Abstract. This Government Regulation provides for the planning and setting of mining areas, mining business permit areas, mining areas where a smallholder mining business activity is carried out, special mining business areas, etc. in order to properly manage mineral and …

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Law No. 4/2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining.

Government Regulation Number 25 of 2023 concerning Mining Areas. Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 3 of 2020 about amendment to the Law no. 4 of 2009 concerning minerals and coal mining. This Law provides for national policies for the management and control of mineral and coal mining and for the responsible authorities.

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Indonesia's New Mining Law Heralds Significant Change but …

14 Jul 2020 Indonesia's New Mining Law Heralds Significant Change but Challenges Lie Ahead. Indonesia's Parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat / DPR) and Government have availed themselves of the public's preoccupation with the Covid-19 pandemic to successfully push through important new mining legislation with a minimum of publicity, thus …

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mining business,4 So this paper is essential to examine the harmonization of laws and regulations relating to Mining and Coal Mining business activities such as the Environmental Law, Forestry Law, Spatial Planning Law, Land Law and Local Government Law to ensure certainty for investors to invest in mineral and coal mining in Indonesia.

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Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999

Queensland Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 Current as at 4 December 2023

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Energy and Resources Regulations Update

In order to implement the provisions of Article 8 of Government Regulation Number 96 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities, it …

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Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 37. Regional Government is the Governor, the Regent, or Mayor, and regional means as an element of the organization of Regional Government. 38. The Minister is the minister who manages government affairs in the mineral and coal mining sector. CHAPTER II BASIS AND OBJECTIVES Article 2

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Government Regulation no. 96 of 2021 concerning …

The Regulation concerns: classification of minerals and coal mining into five categories; exploration, feasibility studies, transportation of minerals, and post-mining activities; mining business licence; agreement between the government and a mining Indonesian companies; refining mining commodities; mining cooperative.

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Coal Industry Act 1994

An Act to provide for the establishment and functions of a body to be known as the Coal Authority; to provide for the restructuring of the coal industry, for transfers of the property, rights and liabilities of the British Coal Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiaries to other persons and for the dissolution of that Corporation; to abolish the Domestic Coal …

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Indonesia: Mining In Indonesia – Mining Rights And Title

Mining In Indonesia – Mining Rights And Title. The Constitution stipulates that Indonesia's natural resources are controlled by the state and must be used for the maximum benefit of the Indonesian people. Article 4, paragraph 2 of Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining (Law 4/2009) enables the central government or the regional …

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(LEGISLATION IMPLICATION OF THE TAKEOVER AUTHORITY IN MINERAL AND COAL MINING BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT) Nabilla Desyalika Putri dan Dian Agung Wicaksono Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Jl. Sosio Yustisia No. 1 Bulaksumur, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia Email: …

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The largest law / tax legislation database for Indonesia Tens of thousands of translations of legislation covering all business areas Daily bilingual legal and tax updates Articles on important legal and tax issues

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Mining In Indonesia – Principal Laws And Regulatory Bodies

In addition to the Indonesian Constitution, the principal law that regulates the mining industry is Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining (Law 4/2009), the amendment of which, under the draft Amendment to Law 4/2009 (the Mining Law Amendment), was recently ratified by the House of Representatives. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral …

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Indonesia amends the Mining Law

On 12 May 2020, the parliament passed a law amending (2020 Mining Law Amendment) the 2009 Mining Law (Law No.4 of 2009 on Mining Mineral and Coal). What you need to know. The following highlights some new and key provisions in the 2020 Mining Law Amendment which are worth noting for investors and mining companies: a. Mining …

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Coal, gas and decarbonisation – challenges and policy choices

Australian Bureau of Statistics Labour Account Australia data indicated there were 37,600 people employed in the coal mining industry (0.3% of employed people) and 16,400 in oil and gas extraction (0.1%) in 2021 – compared with approximately 1.4% in Mining overall, 6.4% in Manufacturing, 8.5% in Construction and 10.4% in Retail; the largest ...

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Mining In Indonesia – Principal Laws And Regulatory …

In addition to the Indonesian Constitution, the principal law that regulates the mining industry is Law 4/2009 on Coal and Mineral Mining (Law 4/2009), the …

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Environmental Management of Coal Mining Areas in Indonesia…

Environmental regulations of Indonesia's coal mining activities are dispersed among the mining, environment, and forestry sectors. ... 2009 Mining Law gave authority to supervise coal mining activities to the national, provincial and regional levels of government. Each could develop legislation for this purpose and issue mining permits ...

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