the process of methanogenesis in a coal mine

Influence of groundwater flowpaths, residence times and …

Water and natural gas samples were collected from coalbed methane wells and a surface coal mine in the Powder River Basin (PRB) and analyzed for solute chemistry, isotopes, and gas composition to test hypotheses about the timing and source of recharge, importance of nutrient influx, and extent of microbial methanogenesis in …

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Water-rock interaction and methanogenesis in formation

Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in mine water generated during coal mining is a large and potential source of atmospheric CO2, however its geochemical behaviors under the influence of AMD in ...

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Active methanogenesis and acetate utilization in Powder River Basin

The purpose of this study was to determine if methanogenesis is an ongoing process in the Paleocene Fort Union Formation coal seams of the Powder River Basin (PRB) in Wyoming, United States. This has important implications for whether methanogenesis could replenish natural gas once the existing reserves are depleted …

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Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in coal-bearing …

Highlights. •. Methanogenesis in coal-bearing environments profoundly shapes biochemical energy production. •. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is of significant interest in terms of carbon re-cycling and hydrogen storage. •. …

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Organic chemicals in coal available to microbes to produce …

1. Introduction1.1. Biogenic coalbed gas. In recent years, with the increasing international demand and use of conventional natural gas, exploration and development of unconventional natural gas, including coalbed methane (CBM), has been extensively considered (McIntosh et al., 2008).As an important unconventional natural gas, CBM …

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Stimulation of methanogenesis in bituminous coal …

Highlights. •. Lake sediment and peat microbiota are able to stimulate coal biogasification. •. FT-IR revealed structural changes in coal caused by autochthonous …

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Several ways one goal—methanogenesis from unconventional …

Abstract Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas on earth. It is produced by methanogenic archaea, which play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Three main methanogenesis pathways are known: in the hydrogenotrophic pathway H2 and carbon dioxide are used for methane production, whereas in the methylotrophic …

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Coal methanogenesis: a review of the need of complex …

The microbiological desulfurization of coal is one ious physicochemical parameters such as moisture content, of the most widely applicable options with regard to the volatile matter, and the ratio of total to fixed carbon play an applications of microbial species in coal methanogenesis important role.

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The effect of coal oxidation on methane production and …

Methanogenic archaea carry out the process of methanogenesis, generating methane from precursors such as acetate or hydrogen and carbon dioxide. In order to break down a complex substrate such as coal a metabolically diverse microbial community is necessary to generate these precursors from the macromolecules …

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Stimulation of methanogenesis in bituminous coal from the …

Methanogenesis in coal samples after stimulation by consortia SZ A and PT A was higher than had been previously observed e.g. in coal samples from the Deer Creek Coal Mine (Utah, USA), where similar inoculate sources were used (e.g. lake sediments and wetland soil) (Opara et al., 2012). 3.5. FT-IR spectra of the coals

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Pyrosequencing reveals the dominance of methylotrophic methanogenesis …

The rock was located between coal seam 4 and 5 699 m below the surface, while coal was in the middle of coal seam 5 703 m below the surface, as shown in Fig. 1. Wei et al. (2010) reported that coal seam 5 in the Liulin District is bituminous coal (R o, max = 0.84–2.44%) with moisture ranging from 0.46 to 5.78 and ash yield ranging from 4.88to …

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Methanogenesis is the dominating terminal OM degradation process in anoxic freshwater environment. Methanogenesis has been reported to account for 20–56% of the total carbon mineralization in lakes (Table 6). CH 4 oxidation can be comparable to primary production, and has the potential to rapidly consume large amounts of O 2.

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Long-term succession in a coal seam microbiome …

Abstract. Despite the significance of biogenic methane generation in coal beds, there has never been a systematic long-term evaluation of the ecological response …

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Microbial methane emissions from the non-methanogenesis processes…

This article provides a comprehensive review that summarizes the biochemical mechanisms of methane formation by cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, and purple non-sulfur bacteria and analyzes the corresponding methane contribution of these microbes in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Future perspectives and challenges in terms of …

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Keystone Microorganisms Regulate the …

Abstract. High Resolution Image. Download MS PowerPoint Slide. Microorganisms are the core drivers of coal biogeochemistry and are closely related to the formation of coalbed methane. However, it remains …

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Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in coal-bearing …

The utilization of microbial methanogenesis has the potential to emerge as a promising method for extracting energy from subsurface coal reservoirs in the future. Microorganisms can produce methane, which serves as the principal constituent of natural gas, through the process of decomposing organic substances in coal.

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A contribution of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis to the biogenic coal

The activity of methanogens and related bacteria which inhabit the coal beds is essential for stimulating new biogenic coal bed methane (CBM) production from the coal matrix. In this study, the microbial community structure and methanogenesis were investigated in Southern Qinshui Basin in China, and the composition and stable isotopic …

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A contribution of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis …

Article. A contribution of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis to the biogenic coal bed methane reserves of Southern Qinshui Basin, China. Environmental …

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Methane production from coal by a single …

Science. 14 Oct 2016. Vol 354, Issue 6309. pp. 222 - 225. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf8821. Microbes make methane from coal. Methane associated with coal beds is an important …

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Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation during methanogenesis: A

Eleven coals with vitrinite reflectance ranging from 0.18% to 2.50% were collected from underground coal mines; biomethane production process and carbon isotope fractionation effect in the 123 ...

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Methylotrophic methanogenesis discovered in the archaeal …

Methanogenesis performed by anaerobic archaea represents the largest biogenic source of methane on Earth 1–3.This process is a key component of the global carbon cycle and plays an important ...

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Pyrosequencing reveals the dominance of methylotrophic methanogenesis …

The methanogenic microbial community appears to be highly adapted to the low-H2 conditions found in coal mines, and the formation of [ 13C]methane was linked to acetoclastic methanogenesis in both the [13C]acetate- and the H2-13CO2-amended cultures of coal and timber. Expand

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Microbial methanogenesis in subsurface oil and coal

However, microbial methanogenesis may be the future of energy extraction from deep- or spent-reservoirs. The present review focuses on recent advances in the microbiology and ecology of methanogenic consortia living off fossil organics in subsurface oil reservoirs and coal deposits. 1. Methanogens, bacteria and the production of biogenic …

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A contribution of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis to the biogenic coal

The activity of methanogens and related bacteria which inhabit the coal beds is essential for stimulating new biogenic coal bed methane (CBM) production from the coal matrix. In this study, the microbial community structure and methanogenesis were investigated in Southern Qinshui Basin in China, and the composition and stable isotopic ratios of CBM …

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Stimulation of methanogenesis in bituminous coal from the …

The results showed that the biomethane yields in co-degradations of coal and different types of straw were all higher than that in degradation of only coal or only straw with the yield from rice ...

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Keystone Microorganisms Regulate the Methanogenic …

The release of H 2 S due to sulfate reduction is detrimental to the methanogenesis process during coal biodegradation. The process of anaerobic fermentation of coal seams may also be affected by degraded intermediates and final products (such as sulfides), which at high concentrations affect pH, disrupt cell …

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The Process Of Methanogenesis In A Coal Mine

The Process Of Methanogenesis In A Coal Mine. why we still mine coal : npr why we still mine coal as residents of montcoal,, mourn the deaths of at least 25 coal miners in . the process of methanogenesis in a coal mine. Microbial process in Indiana coal beds and for coal bed methanogenesis. Could methane farming hurt Wyo.'s coal deposits?

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Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in coal-bearing …

Our findings support the ancient origin of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, suggest that methylotrophic methanogenesis might be a later adaptation of specific orders, and provide insight into how ...

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Methanogenesis involves direct hydride transfer from H2 …

Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis involves enzymatic conversion of carbon dioxide to methane. This Perspective describes the reactions at play, with a particular focus on how [Fe]-hydrogenase ...

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Oil Has a Higher Methanogenic Potential than Coal in an Oil …

The presence of oil in coal seams from coal–oil symbiosis areas poses a serious threat to the safe and efficient mining of coal. However, the information about the application of microbial technology in oil-bearing coal seams was insufficient. In this study, the biological methanogenic potential of coal and oil samples in an oil-bearing coal seam was …

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Unravelling the microbial community structure and function of coal …

1. Introduction. Methane in coal seams originates considerably by thermogenic activities during coalification process. Recently its origin through biogenic activities of microbes acting on the organic constituents of coal has been proposed [1], [2].As the world-wide demand of natural gas is expected to increase with the increase of …

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Pyrosequencing reveals the dominance of methylotrophic methanogenesis

Coal bed methane (CBM), a highly regarded alternative energy resource,is extensively underutilized in many countries. It is generated through either thermocatalytic reactions during coalification or anaerobic microbial methanogenesis resulting from coal biodegradation. Biogenic CBM has been found in many CBM reservoirs (Strapoć et al., …

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Influence of groundwater flowpaths, residence times and …

This suggests that at a high coal: fluid ratio, methanogenesis is inhibited by some component of the coal, e.g., bitumens in the coal or coal-sourced hydrocarbons dissolved into the medium.

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The Origin of Coalbed Methane

Figure 2.8 depicts the process of biogenic methanogenesis in four stages (Winfrey, 1984, ... H 2-utilizing methanogenesis is favored during the terminal process of coal organic matter biodegradation over homoacetogenesis and acetoclastic methanogenesis. ... The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication …

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